You can share memories


You can share memories
11 November 2019

You can share memories



You can share memories by going antique shopping with friends is a terrific way to have some fun. You can share memories of how things used to be done. The outdated aspects of the items you see—for example, an old wringer washing machine, or hand mixer, or even a toaster that burned the toast—may cause you to marvel at how you ever lived that way. If you’re a collector, this can be a golden opportunity to add to your collection or talk to store owners about it. Sweet items, like dolls or old toys you forgot existed,  will appear and make for a good story to share over lunch. Others will have stories of their own recollections that you can enjoy.


P.S. Many dealers in antique malls offer a discount and may even be open to offers on higher-priced items. Ask the person at the register if they will present an offer to you

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: You can share memories

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